H came to Brocklands after nearly 3 years in various secure hospital wards. He presented with repetitive self harm behaviour as a result of poor adaptive functioning. The tranquillity of Brockland's rural location and support from staff suited him and enabled him to make decisions about his future. H was able to secure a part time job at the local Tesco supermarket. This slowly developed into full time hours and he is currently in transition to live in his own flat where he will continue to work and enjoy employment and an active social life in the community.

B came to Arc from a secure hospital. She lived with extreme anxiety, became withdrawn when confronted with social interaction and found it difficult to make and maintain relationships. She slowly developed positive attachments with staff and developed a good range of skills supportive of independent living including: budgeting and managing a bank account, planning meals, cooking, independent travel as well as coping with others in her shared living space. At the age of 18yrs B was able to manage the transition into supported community living with other adults and is now seeking part time employment.

S showed signs of emotional stress at a very early age. He found it difficult throughout primary and secondary school as well as in the family home. Eventually he was sectioned and cared for in a secure hospital ward. When he left hospital and came to Arc S was supported through school where he sat his GCSEs. Disadvantaged by being in hospital for so long he decided to re-sit his GCSEs and improved his grades. S is currently attending a local college, travelling independently and developing his own social group in the community. S is planning to move into supported lodgings in the community in the New Year.